Divorce lawyers in Karachi, Islamabad & Lahore, Pakistan, specializing in Khula, Talaq (Divorce).


Khula & Talaq (Divorce) Experts Lawyers in Karachi, Islamabad & Lahore


Expert Divorce Lawyers in Khula and Talaq: We have the best family/divorce lawyers in Karachi that cover divorce and khula cases.

Divorce & Family Lawyers with Decades of Experience

Family law is the law that deals with family and domestic matters. Family law covers issues of family law may include marriage, separation or divorce, adoption, child custody, child support, child protection, or child abuse. Family Law is the area in which our Divorce & Family Lawyers are specialized!

Among the legal issues we handle for clients are succession, inheritance, the division of inherited properties, property ownership agreements, and wills. In Karachi, Islamabad, and Lahore, Pakistan, our divorce and family lawyers work for the Family & Divorce Section of Divorce Lawyers. With over 37 years of experience practicing in criminal courts and family courts, our CEO is a well-known family law lawyer. With the help of highly qualified and experienced lawyers, we can assist you in separating from your spouse at an affordable price.

The law firm we are among is a top divorce law firm in Pakistan that offers legal assistance to victims of domestic violence and helps them reclaim their lives.

There are many clients who have appreciated the legal aid services we provide in the area of family and divorce law. Among the services we offer are representation in court, document preparation, and filing, negotiation with parties, etc. 

Muslim Family Law

In 1947, the Muslim family law introduced in British India continued to govern the status of individuals. A commission of seven members was created in 1955 to examine the personal status laws of the newly formed state and determine if any reforms were needed. According to the Muslim Family Laws Ordinance, 1961, the Report of the Marriage and Family Laws Commission contained a few provisions.

Divorce and Inheritance Laws 

There should be reforms to divorce and inheritance laws for orphaned grandchildren, according to the report. In addition to introducing compulsory marriage registration, it also introduced restrictions on polygamy and reforms to dower and maintenance laws following a divorce. A repugnance clause was included in the first constitution of Pakistan promulgated in 1956. It also amended the laws about the marriage age. No law could be passed that violates Islamic injunctions, according to the clause. For any necessary amendments, all existing laws would need to be reviewed based on this provision. This repugnance provision has been retained and even strengthened in subsequent constitutions. There are many aspects of family law that are considered to be part of family law, such as marriage, divorce, talaq, khula, child custody, child support, etc. 

Divorce and Inheritance Laws (1)

These mentioned family laws are analyzed in detail below:

Muslim Family Laws Ordinance(MFLO)

Muslim Family Laws Ordinance (MFLO) changed several aspects of classical Muslim law in 1961. In this reform, marriages and divorces will be registered, orphaned grandchildren will have inheritance rights secured, polygamy will be restricted, all talaqs (except the third of three) will be deemed, maintenance and divorce court procedures will be formalized, and mahr will be recoverable if it has been abused.

It is not invalid if a marriage does not register. Under the MFLO, marriage registration is mandatory, and failure to register is punishable by fines or imprisonment. Failure to register can be penalized. If Muslim marriages are only arranged according to religious rites, they are still legal.

In Pakistan, marriage is legally permitted after the age of 18 for men and women, and underage marriage is strictly prohibited. According to the court, an adult Hanafi Muslim woman can enter into a marriage contract without her wali’s consent because one of the prerequisites for a valid contract is the consent of the woman, not the consent of the wali.

Family Law: Divorce (Talaq) and Khula

Every talaq uttered (except the third of three) should be treated as a single, revocable act. 


Mahr reconciliation, notification, and recovery processes should be formalized. 

It is necessary to formalize Mahr reconciliation, notification, and recovery processes.

Divorce or Dissolution of Marriage Grounds

Women may file for judicial divorce on the following grounds:

Once the iddat period over the Khula has expired, a decree will be issued by the Family Court and a notification will be sent to the Union Council.

It is customary for the wife to return Haq Mehar and any other benefits she received from her husband as zar-e-khula when she brings a Khula suit. Unlike gifts from the husband’s family, gifts from the husband’s family do not need to be returned. Based on the facts of the case, the court determines the amount and what is to be returned.

If the wife is unsatisfied with her husband, she can also file a Khula (Dissolution of Marriage By Way of Khula).

Family Law: Wife Maintenance after Divorce

In the course of her “Iddat” period, her ex-husband should provide for and maintain her in a fair and reasonable manner. You can contact our Karachi, Islamabad, and Lahore Family Law Legal Aid Office to speak with one of our senior Family & Divorce Lawyers.

Child Custody & Child Support

Child Custody: Under Pakistani law, the mother is usually given legal custody of children under the age of seven, known as ‘Hizanat’. Once the child reaches the age of seven, the mother’s right over him ends, but the right to raise him continues. The right is created in the interest of the child, as opposed to absolute rights. It is the mother’s responsibility to raise a girl until she reaches puberty. The conduct of the mother is very important here. The court can award the child’s father custody of the child after the mother’s term has ended if she is found to be ‘objectionable’. If both parents are absent, the child’s grandparents receive custody.

Pakistan's Islamic Child Maintenance Law

Children's Maintenance Must be Paid for by their Father

In order for children’s maintenance to be paid, their fathers must contribute to the law as well as Pakistani law. In the case of sons, this obligation continues until the child reaches majority age, and in the case of daughters, the obligation continues until the child marries. After the son reaches the age of majority and is incapable of earning an income, the father will be obligated to support him. Islamic law outlines detailed rules for maintaining children.

Our Experienced Family Lawyers Help You About Family Law, Divorce Or Separation, Child Custody Or Adoption!!!

Our expert law firm has been serving Pakistan’s legal community since 1985. As a family law firm, we aim to provide professional legal consultation on all family law issues, such as divorces and khula, financial matters, criminal cases, and other civil litigation matters. 

We provide expert legal advice and consultation on issues related to Family Law, Divorce Law, and Civil Law in Pakistan. 

Connecting lawyers with clients seeking legal advice, we connect families and divorce lawyers in Lahore, Islamabad, and Karachi.

We can answer your legal questions via email at info@divorcelawyers.pk. Our expert lawyers are just a phone call away. 

You can schedule an appointment by calling 0333-1127835.

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